Pack 86 is sponsored by Lehigh Lodge Free and Accepted Masons #326. Cub Scouts are boys that are in 1st-5th grade and they are divided into dens based on age. Our dens meet every friday night at 7:00pm. We meet at The Church of the Good Shepherd. The address is 135 Quarry Road & Penn Ave. Alburtis, PA 18011. We are involved in community events throughout the year like the Halloween parade and the May Festival. We plan different outings that include the entire family such as Scout day at Dorney Park, Knoebels and Iron Pigs. We are looking forward to another fun filled year.
Family involvement is essential to Cub Scouting's success. As a program for the entire family, Cub Scouting can help families teach their children a wholesome system of values and beliefs while building and strengthening relationships among family members. Cub Scouting helps parents and sons grow closer, and your involvement as a parent of a Cub Scout is vital.
We are part of the Minsi Trails Council, in the Trexler District.
Family involvement is essential to Cub Scouting's success. As a program for the entire family, Cub Scouting can help families teach their children a wholesome system of values and beliefs while building and strengthening relationships among family members. Cub Scouting helps parents and sons grow closer, and your involvement as a parent of a Cub Scout is vital.
We are part of the Minsi Trails Council, in the Trexler District.